Van Dyne Project
August 21-23 in Clackamas 


Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 12.3Ms. Van Dyne is a very nice 73-year-old woman who lives with her daughter and grandson in her Clackamas mobile home. She was in a tough situation. They are very low-income, and park management was requiring that she bring her home up to park standards in order to avoid eviction. Sections of her siding were literally crumbling apart, she needed it repaired and the whole home painted. 

 She contacted us in 2019 for help.  At that time our projects were booked through the dry-weather months, so we wrote a letter to park management, requesting lenience until we could get the work done. They agreed, and we returned to do the project in partnership with Stone Creek Christian Church!  We replaced 24 sheets of vertical-groove siding, most of the trim, and painted the whole house in 2-1/2 days.  Can you believe that?  Volunteers from Stone Creek, along with a few others, were absolutely amazing.  Thanks crew!

Crew Chiefs: Phil Baldwin, Merritt Beymer
Project Advocate: Tim Long