Golf Marathon Raises $218k! - Click for Details

Catalyst NW "Building Hope Dessert"
Celebration & Fundraiser

Saturday Night, Nov. 12, 2016, 6:15-8:00pm
Hosted by Sunset Presbyterian Church in Beaverton


20151114185215resized2IMG5189We enjoyed celebrating another great year at our annual Dessert Celebration & Fundraiser.   Event team Kirsten, Lynn, Sherri, and their husbands, put-on a fantastic evening of desserts & decor.  Highlights from this year's charitable projects were shared by volunteers & guest speakers.  85 guests enjoyed seeing videos, photos, and applauded those recognized for their efforts.  It was a great night, and over $13,700 in donations & pledges were raised, which will help fuel our upcoming projects for 2017.

Thank you Sunset Presbyterian Church, event team, and especially donors!