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Qualman Ramp Project

Saturday, April 27 in Grand Ronde, OR

This project was led by Doug Woodard, former contractor pro and budding Catalyst project leader!  Doug and a small crew of 2 other volunteers built a new concrete handicap ramp with wooden handrails the Qualman home.  Here are some words from one of the volunteers:
On Saturday three of us went to the Grand Ronde Indian reservation and constructed a concrete wheelchair ramp. My old body felt it for the next several days as we broke up an existing sidewalk with sledge hammers and as I learned to work with concrete. In about 8 hours we prepared the site, built the forms, worked with the concrete, built railing, and built the balusters. We did all that surrounded by 12 goats, innumerable chickens, guinea fowl and turkeys, several cats, 4 dogs, and a very involved 3 year old boy. It was a good project, and made life much easier for two blind grandparents, and a wheelchair bound 11 year old boy (I think that’s the correct age) with a progressive neurological disease, his two parents, and the already mentioned 3 year old boy.

Project Partner: Yamhill County - provided funding for materials