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Hikade Project - Yard Work & Painting in Tualatin
   July 6-7, 9 Repairs, Yard Work & Pressure Washing
   July 13-14 Prep & Painting, Spread Barkdust


Hikade CollageThis July, we returned to the home of Ms. Hikade for a big project. Ms. Hikade is a low-income senior in her mid-80's, who lives alone in the home that she and her husband lived in for many years before he passed away.  She receives daily help from a caregiver, and wants nothing more than to be able to remain safely in her home for the rest of her days.  Helping seniors like Ms. Hikade stay their homes is a real value to us, and we're glad to be able to help her!  Earlier this year, a small group of volunteers from Tigard Christian Church spent a whole day weeding in pruning-back overgrown plants.  Our task in July was as follows:

  • Massive yard cleanup...again!  As we all know, weeds come back if they're not taken care of permanently
  • Re-landscaping of front yard with no maintenance requirement for Ms. Hikade.  Landscaping fabric and barkdust cover most of the front yard, with gravel pathways and a small patch of green grass (which will be mowed by the thankful neighbors!)
  • Framing, siding & roofing repairs to the Southwest corner of the home
  • Pressure-washing / prepping the exterior of the home for paint
  • Paint the exterior of the home

Club Sport Oregon helped to provide volunteers on Friday, July 13th.  It was great to work with them!

Crew Chief: Shawn Mitchell
Project Advocates: Taft Mitchell, Marina Mitchell
Site Hosts: Martha Reeves, Bobbie Mitchell, Linda Owen, Katy White

All in all, 67 volunteers donated 356 hours of labor to complete the project.  Total project worth was somewhere between $14,000-$17, cost Ms. Hikade nothing.  Thank you to all our fabulous volunteers and donors!