"Just Compassion" Resource Center
September 24-October 3 in Tigard 


IMG0606"Just Compassion" is a coalition of religious, service, civic and business organizations that have joined together to network and share resources for creating a safe and hospitable environment and a community centered response to the needs of those without homes and those living in poverty in Tigard, Tualatin and Sherwood.  

The Tigard Resource Center, located on Hall Blvd. just South of Hwy. 99, was purchased earlier this year and has been in the process of renovation. The upstairs portion has been partially opened to provide lunch, a safe place to rest, socializing, and resource materials.  Catalyst mobilized expertise, resources, and volunteers to renovate the bathroom and build a deck/handicap ramp entrance.  Just Compassion, and their partners at Home Builder’s Foundation, provided planning/permitting and funding for materials.

It was a large undertaking, which kept 27 volunteers busy, and took a full week of work by Construction Mgr. Darrell Kriechbaum.  Way to go, team!  Thank you for making a difference for those who need it most!