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Brainerd Project
September 14-16 in Canby 


BOBS Catalyst home repair SeptMs. Brainerd lives with her disabled adult son in a mobile home in Canby. She and her sister had bought the home together, but her sister passed away. Ms. Brainerd took-in her son in order to help them both. They are barely squeaking-by, and have been unable to deal with some of the critical repair issues of the home, including badly rotting siding and a hazardously broken deck.  

We are partnered with Community of Hope Lutheran Church in Wilsonville to do the repairs. What a great group of people!

Cleaned Gutters
Replaced sliding patio door
Demo'd and replaced rear deck
Replaced rotted skirting
Replaced misc. pieces of rotted trim boards
Replace damaged sections of siding 

Big thanks to the awesome volunteers from Community of Hope, and our Project Leaders:
Crew Chiefs - Pat Baker, Darrell Kriechbaum
Site Hosts - Kok & Walt Reyes, Linda Baker