Lowrie Project
July 25-26 in Tigard
Mr. & Mrs. Lowrie are an elderly couple living in a mobile home in the King City area of Tigard. Their metal / membrane roof had some severe leaks. Our partners at Tigard Christian Church gathered volunteers to clean off the roof, applied patching, and then spread the waterproofing goop to fix the leaks. Project leaders were Crew Chief Rick Hoggan and Project Advocate Linda Owen. Linda shares:
"We worked on the Lowrie job 2 days. On Friday 2 men powerwashed and then patched the main roof, and 2 women pulled weeds, pruned roses, and swept up. On Saturday 5 men applied 2 coats of the roofing product, 2 men worked on the tool shed roof, and I washed windows, and continued the yardwork. I provided pizza for lunch on Saturday along with water, and muffins in the morning. The Lowries provided pop, ice tea, and cookies. I was able to visit with the Lowries during rest breaks and discovered that they are a nice couple. They expressed their gratitude to Catalyst many times, and told me all of the workers were in their prayers. The next door neighbor was also grateful as he was usually the one called to go up on the roof when yet another place leaked! I was also able to meet another neighbor out walking her dogs. She stated that i didn't live there, and asked what i was doing and why was I doing it. I explained about how God was using me as His hands to prune the roses to show the Lowries how much He loves them. She brightened up and asked a bunch more questions about Catalyst, we may get another application from the Summerfield area!