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Roberts Project
October 26, 2008
Beaverton, OR

This ceiling patch was a much-needed improvement for Mrs. Roberts, a single mom raising 2 young ladies who lives in a condo here in Beaverton. Months ago, the plumbing in her upstairs bathroom leaked, leaving a badly stained area of ceiling in her dining room after the plumber was all finished. We patched & refinished the entire 3ft. x 10ft. area, and if you visit today, you'd never notice anything ever happened!

A group of about 20 of us converged at the home that Sunday afternoon in October, also finishing some trimwork, caulking windows, painting, fixing odds & ends around the house.

Here are some words from Ms. Roberts:
"My experience of being a 'service project' was very humbling. First, the process of asking for help; then, being asked to open my home to the help. It was deeply moving, and the people hadn't even come over to help, yet. When they were doing all the projects, it was hard for me to step aside and let them do the work because I am single and normally do everything myself. as I watched them work, I felt overwhelmed with love; that all of these people really cared about me enough to come in and do this work. I felt very loved, and still do, when I look at the things they did around my house. I already thanked God each time I came home for the blessing of my house, but now I add a prayer (as I walk through the front door that they fixed) for God to bless the folks who came, and Catalyst for making it possible."