Golf Marathon Raises $218k! - Click for Details

Spencer Project
March 25 in Farmington 


335177414618d4098ab43zMr. Spencer is an army veteran.  He and his wife live in a mobile home in the Farmington area, just West of Beaverton & South of Hillsboro.  They have lived there for many years and take very good care of their home, but large sections of the siding had failed and needed to be replaced.  22 volunteers showed-up on a brisk March day to replace about 17 sheets of vertical-groove panel-siding at no charge to the Spencers.  Now they can stay dry & warm & safe, reflecting on the acts of love they received from wonderful volunteers!

Crew Chiefs: Rex Yetter, Darrell Kriechbaum
Project Advocates: Sisters Marcella Parrish & Terry Hall

Thank you all for a job well done!