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Fleming Project

April 23 in NE Portland


IMG3205Ms. Fleming is a kind lady who owns her own home in NE Portland, close to Rosa Parks Way.  She is a lower-income senior who has some trouble navigating the steep stairs in her home, and has fallen a few times.  She has requested help with a few items, and we'll be mobilizing 10-15 volunteers to help her out.

Here's what we did:

  • Removed mold and loose paint from basement walls with wire brushes & scrapers, then painted with sealer
  • Sorted stored items in attic.  Moved boxes of sensitive documents to her garage, recycled some, & took 3 loads to the dump
  • Grinded trip hazards on sidewalk, where tree roots had raised cracks
Crew Chief: Doug Woodard
Advocate: Bruce Hanna
Coordinator:  Isaac Federiuk

Project Advocate Bruce Hanna reported:  Shirley was so excited to see us arrive in the morning that she greeted us with Danish, juice, and a big welcoming smile!  She hosted and assisted our crew with enthusiasm and warmth.  She joined our morning prayer for safety, fellowship, and a special Blessing on Shirley and her home.  This one day project ended successfully with all tasks completed, and a very happy homeowner.  Before we left, Shirley gathered all of the Catalyst workers so she could pray for us and thank God for the blessings bestowed on her that day.  We were all blessed by helping this lovely, kind homeowner.  It was a great day!