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Baker Project
May 5-6, 2012
Beaverton, OR

This project is being carried out In partnership with Sunset Presbyterian Church, project underwriter and provider of many volunteers! Please join us in helping a single mom in Beaverton who really needs our help.

Mrs. Baker has 6 kids - 3 are older/1 of the older girls is developmentally delayed; 3 are younger (8,7, & 5) and were adopted by her in the past few years. The 7 year old is severely mentally disabled. One of the girls has severe panic attacks and tries to run away sometimes during the night. We are very excited to help provide new fencing in the backyard, repairs to the kitchen floor, painting in the sunroom shared by the 2 older girls, and provide many helpful repairs throughout the home.

  • Backyard Fencing: We will be removing and replacing about 120-feet of broken down fencing. This will involve demolition, debris removal, digging & setting new posts, and installing LOTS of fencing rails & slats.

  • Kitchen Floor: Vinyl flooring & underlayment need to be replaced. Someone repaired a leaking pipe last year by cutting a hole in the kitchen floor and never came back to fix the floor. Can you believe that?!

  • Sunroom Painting: the nearly 400 square-foot sunroom just needs some TLC. We will be patching & cleaning walls, then applying 2 coats of fresh paint.

  • Miscellaneous Repairs: We’ll be installing a new faucet in the kitchen, the bathroom gets a new faucet-TP holder-toilet seat, and several other little repairs.

To get more info, or sign up to help, email Project Coordinator Judith McLean at

 Baker Project Signups 
Baker Project Schedule
Specific work crews, volunteers and tasks