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Mattson Project
May 19-20 in Hillsboro, OR 


IMG5508-1Version 2These guys, and about 70 of their friends from Living Hope Fellowship and Valor Christian School, fixed Ms. Mattson's house for free!

Ms. Mattson has owned her home in Hillsboro for 24 years, and also owns a small local store.  In recent years, she has developed Generalized Dystonia, which affects all the muscles in her body and has made it difficult for her to get around, to speak, and has severely limited her capacity to do most things.  She has struggled to keep the store operating, and has taken-in two boarders to help make ends meet.  As her condition has progressed she now receives in-home care, and was referred to us by Independent Living Resources to help with critical home repair issues so that she can continue to live in her home safely.  

By mobilizing volunteers & donations, we were able to completely take care of the improperly constructed decks surrounding her home, which had become rotten & hazardous.  She had been unable to get out the front door without assistance, and was not able to use the unsafe decks in her back yard.  Now, thanks to the amazing volunteers from Living Hope and Valor, she has renewed freedom!
Here's what we did on Friday & Saturday, and part of Sunday:

  • Dismantled failed front-entry deck and replaced it with a permitted handicap-access ramp
  • Dismantled & removed failed side deck and (humongous) lower back deck. Replaced section outside of laundry room with new landing deck with small staircase to ground.
  • Repaired footings, ledger, and rotted decking areas as needed on main back deck
  • Repaired structure as needed on upper deck, then covered with exterior grade plywood and non-slip surface coating.  
  • Hauled away 7 trailer loads of waste 

Crew Chief: Ryan Kerner, Darrell Kriechbaum
Project Advocate: Todd Everett, Taft Mitchell