Golf Marathon Raises $218k! - Click for Details


Catalyst Celebration: "A Decade of Doin'"
('cuz talk is cheap...Git R Done!)


10-Year Anniv. Celebration & Fundraiser!
Saturday Night, Nov. 18, 2017
at the Lucky Labrador on NW Quimby

Lucky Lab

We converged in The Pearl for a super fun evening to celebrate all the charitable projects that our wonderful volunteers accomplished in 2017, to celebrate 10 amazing years of gittin' 'er done, and to be inspired by a foretaste of the future!  Videos, stories, & photos were shared, and a great time was shared by all 85 people who came!

This annual event has become an important part of Catalyst's funding stream, and this year's event raised $12,000 in year-end donations & pledges to help fuel future projects!

Big thanks to:

  • Event volunteers: Dan Dahle, Christy Dirren, Marina Mitchell, Linda Owen, Kirsten Williams
  • Event Sponsors: Darin & Trisha Swanson