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Moritz Project
Aug 6-8, 2009
Johnson City, OR

Jon Moritz is a pleasant middle aged man who is married, has 3 kids and 7 grandkids, and loves playing the bagpipes. He and his wife, Pat, own a mobile home in Johnson City, in the Clackamas area. Jon's yard has needed some serious TLC for quite some time, and he was recently informed by the management of the development where he lives that if he didn't deal with it soon, they would do it for him and bill him for the cost. The problem is, Jon and his wife don't have funds to provide for what is needed...oh yeah, and he's almost totally blind.

We got hooked up with Jon through a friend named Barb Turner, whom is a member of the Board of Directors for a Portland non-profit called "Independent Living Resources" - aka ILR. They provide support for families with disabilities. We provided sweat to totally re-landscape their whole lot, and provide other minor repairs…and we made some new friends. It was truly inspiring to help this dear family! Here are some details.


Cleared backyard slope of blackberries, weeds, debris
Installed 3 small retaining walls
Cleared weedy planter areas and installed weed barrier & rocks
Planted a new lawn
Irrigation repairs
Decking repair
Installed a new kitchen faucet
Took a full junk trailer to the dump


Independent Living Resources
Marshall Christensen Foundation
Catalyst Community
Ryan Kerner Construction
Milwaukie Christian Church


31 volunteers worked a total of 186 man-hours


Project Cost: $1,120, covered by donations