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Smith Project - Feb. 27
Farmington Area, West of Beaverton 

FullSizeRender-1IMG20160227113223Mr. & Ms. Smith live in a mobile home that they have been slowly renovating over the past 4 years. Mr. Smith worked for many years in school maintenance, but is now on permanent disability.  They have very low financial resources, and receive only enough SSDI support to pay the bills. In spite of their limitations, they've done quite a lot of work to their home.  IMG20160227113846They asked for our help with some tasks they could not do themselves, and we were glad to help!  9 volunteers worked for them on Saturday, February 27, to complete the following tasks:

Replaced sliding glass door

Installed small wall to enclose pantry area from living area

Repaired damaged ceiling areas in living room and bedroom

Installed & textured new ceiling sheetrock in alcove area

BIG THANKS to the project leaders and crew for a job well done!
Crew Chief: Troy Hall
Project Advocate: Bruce Hanna