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Laughlin Project
July 14-15 in Wilsonville 


35213358574c2d835111foWe received Mr. Laughlin's application in Fall 2016.  The roof of his double-wide mobile home was leaking badly, and he was worried about the coming rainy season.  Upon our site assessment, we determined that there was no way we could do the project in time, so we covered it with a gigantic blue tarp in October.  In spite of one of the roughest Winters we've ever had, that tarp held strong...but it had to be refastened twice!  Finally, this July, we returned in force with mighty crews from our awesome partner Community Of Hope Lutheran Church.  They supplied volunteers to replace the entire roof and its plywood was a big job, but they completed it in just TWO DAYS!!!

Also BIG THANKS to: 

  • Malarkey Roofing Products.  They donated all the shingles & underlayment needed!
  • Crew Chiefs: Darrell Kriechbaum, Pat Baker, Rex Yetter
  • Project Advocate: Taft Mitchell
  • Coordinator: Travis Waltz

Here's a narrative report, written by Project Advocate Taft Mitchell:

"We had a wonderful crew, consisting of three crew chiefs and (I think) 31 volunteers. Home-owner Dave worked with us, just as hard as any of us, and went to bed tired each night. Various of our volunteers established comfortable relationships with him.  The people of Community of Hope continue to amaze with their determination to do good, to help others, and to live their faith. They are unafraid of hard work.

We had some difficulties. The truck that was to deliver the roofing materials to the top of the homes’ roof did not materialize. We had to use Rex’s trailer…go to the factory…load the tiles…and take them back to the job site. The problem there was…how were we going to get all those materials up to the roof? Taking all the materials, one package at a time, up ladders would have been backbreaking and would have cost us a half day.  The problem was solved on Saturday morning. Crew Chief Pat Baker and volunteers Carson Puppo, Jerald Lipps, and Loren Shrock arrived early, devised a ramp and “pulley” system, built the ramp, and the materials were transported (still with lots of sweat, but not the back-breaking kind) to the top of the roof in a fraction of the time. From thereon progress was rapid.

It was hot each day. The crew consumed 4 Costo cases of water, cooled by 77 lbs of ice, and appreciated each day’s afternoon ice cream break.

It was a great project. The best part was Dave’s arrival at Community of Hope’s Sunday morning worship service, where he was introduced, cheered, and where he made many friends.