Kachelmeyer Project
May 31- June 1 in Canby
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Mr. Kachelmeyer is a 67-year-old single man living in the Canby manufactured home he has owned for 10-years. His only income is from SSI and SNAP benefits, and his home has fallen into serious disrepair. He also suffers from diabetes and has difficulty getting around due to back problems.
We made some repairs last year that restored running-water to the home and are returned to tackle some other repairs so that he can safely stay in his home. The flooring and lower portion of the walls in his bathroom were badly damaged by plumbing leaks over the years. The leaks have been repaired, and now we have fixed the floor and walls. In addition to the floor and wall repairs, we fixed the front entrance deck/staircase which was is in need of significant repairs/replacement.
The project took 2 days and the Catalyst volunteers did a great job making Mr Kachelmeyer's home safer.