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Armstrong Project in Tigard
June 1 & 8 

Ms. Armstrong is a 71 year old widow. She moved from a manufactured home in California to a similar home here in Tigard to be near her son who is in the process of moving to the area. She hoped living costs would be lower here, however, that has not been the case (she pays $400/mo. more in space rent here). Also, the home buying process was not well managed and she finds herself with much more deferred maintenance than she expected. She is trying to clean up a neglected yard herself but mobility issues and financial resources make it hard for her to do a lot herself. There are also numerous other items that need attention. In addition to the repairs themselves, she would welcome our advice regarding maintenance priorities.

This project will take place over 2 Saturdays at the beginning of June.
Saturday June 1: gutter cleaning and sealing, pressure washing, and yard clean up.
Saturday June 8: replacing hot water heater, repair floors and walls in shed and electrical trouble shooting


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