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Underdahl Project
June 28-July 3 in Tigard


UnderdahlMs. Underdahl is a single-mom who lives in a mobile home near the King City area of Tigard. Her children, who are aged 14, 19, and 24, all suffer from epilepsy. Tragedy struck the family in 2017 when Ms. Underdahl’s 48-year-old husband died from cancer. They are very low-income, and are helped tremendously by her mother-in-law. They reached-out to Catalyst last December, seeking help with a severe water leak under their kitchen sink and dishwasher.

A pair of our Handle-It volunteers have already repaired the leak; but found that the kitchen floor was dangerously rotted. In addition to this the counters, walls and countertop were all in varying levels of disrepair/brokenness. We felt that this family needed a big hand-up, and decided to remodel the whole kitchen.

Leaders from our awesome partner Tigard Christian Church led the charge, and were joined by volunteers from new partner Grace Point Community Church.  All these church-folk converged on the home with grubby clothes and love over the weekend, followed-up early the next week by Handle-It volunteers and Catalyst staff to give the family a fresh new kitchen.

All in all, 26 volunteers gave 171 hours of labor for the cause!

Crew Chief: Rick Hoggan
Project Advocate:  Linda Owen