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81Shawn Mitchell - Minister, Executive Director
Shawn & Marina Mitchell were the founding Co-Ministers of Catalyst.  Before starting Catalyst, Shawn was a full-time pastor in traditional churches for 13-years.  Shawn is the part-time Executive Director for both Catalyst Network and Catalyst Partnerships.  Marina works as a group fitness instructor at Bay Club Portland, and is a Master Instructor/Educator with Stages Indoor Cycling.  Shawn & Marina live in Tualatin, OR, and are actively involved with Grace Chapel in Wilsonville.  They have 2 adult kids.

IMG 1902Marty Brown - Discipleship Minister/Coach
Marty joined the Catalyst staff in September 2021.  He previously was a full-time pastor at Rolling Hills Community Church in Tualatin for 11-years, and before that he was a minister/missionary for over 30-years with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ).  Marty brings a wealth of experience and giftedness in helping people grow in friendship with Jesus, and we're delighted to have him on our team.  He and his wife Margaret live in Molalla, and have 3 adults kids.

36696845936 21373e66d1 oLinda Owen - Administrative Assistant, Client Relations
Linda has been involved with Catalyst since volunteering as a new Project Advocate in 2014 with her congregation Northwest Christian Church - Tigard.  She is well-known in Catalyst circles for her gentle & kind spirit, and spends a lot of her time on the phone with clients - listening, consoling, and coordinating services.  Linda is an employee of Catalyst Network, and most of her time is dedicated to supporting the work of Catalyst Partnerships.  Linda is a puppy-raiser for Guide Dogs For The Blind, and lives with her dogs in Tigard, OR.  She has two adult kids, and two awesome granddaughters.

JJ smallJJ Milmore - Operations Manager
JJ has been involved with Catalyst since volunteering for a roof project in 2012.  After that, he just kept showing-up and getting more involved!  JJ manages all the financial accounting, IT, and other operational stuff for both Catalyst organizations; and we're very thankful for his expertise.  JJ and his wife Shonda spent 3-years as missionaries in Thailand and returned in 2019.  They live in Keizer.

Taft Mugshot

Taft Mitchell - Minister At Large
Taft was part of the founding Advisory Team in 2007 and worked part-time as a minister with Catalyst from 2010 to 2016.  Taft served in full-time church ministry for over 40 years.  Taft has 3 grown kids, and lives in Wilsonville with his wife, Bobbie. Yes, he is Shawn's dad....and they are best friends! Taft & Bobbie are involved with Community of Hope Lutheran Church.



Board of Directors

Isaac Federiuk has been involved with Catalyst since 2013.  He is a project manager for a local tech company, and spends lots of time volunteering with the projects of Catalyst Partnerships.  He and his wife live in Tigard with their 2 young children, and are involved with A Jesus Church in Tigard.

Ryan Gray has been involved with Catalyst since 2010.  He is a key advisor behind-the-scenes, and is actively involved in our fundraising & financial accountability.  Ryan and his wife live in West Linn with their 2 young children, and are involved with Willamette Christian Church.

Bruce Hanna has been involved with Catalyst since 2013.  He is a retired Junior High School principal (which means he has earned his rest), and is an active member & leader of Gideons and Sunset Presbyterian Church.  He and his wife life in Hillsboro.

Dan Hedeen has been involved with Catalyst since 2016.  He has been a CPA / CFO for several local companies over the years, and attends A Jesus Church in Tigard.  He and his wife live in Beaverton.

Linda Owen has been involved with Catalyst since 2014. She lives in Tigard and raises guide-dogs for the blind. She is also part of our paid staff, and is a wonderful asset to the ministry.  Linda is involved with Northwest Christian Church in Tigard.